Monday, July 15, 2013


So, today’s writing went well. As I mentioned yesterday, I shared the chapters I wrote with a friend and it turned out they needed a rewrite. The flow wasn’t right and there was an egregious Deus Ex Machina, with the introduction of the Wizard. So I rewrote and I enjoyed it what I wrote – it felt good and right after all of that and it felt like it flowed from the first chapter really well. So…I now have two chapters, moving into a rewrite on Chapter Three, which will be a very different beast than the original one I churned out yesterday.
I think I have some ideas for where the third chapter is going now – the re-written third chapter that is, so this should be interesting to see. I think that the main character’s been pretty well introduced at this stage. 

I also wrote something else – a side project involving some poor schmuck on a deserted island. I’m thinking I’m going to merge with the blogs/warm ups. I’m also thinking I really need to re-label the ‘warm-ups’ to blogs/side projects. I still have another thirty minutes to put in tonight to finish off the main project, I kind of debating what to work on. Logically, it would be the current project, but I do kind of want to probe this other project and see where it goes basically. I also can’t keep up the ramble about writing for fifteen minutes, just because there’s not too much interesting to say every single day. 

So…what else can I say at this stage? I might add a new column (yes, again) on the spreadsheet, asking for what side project I worked on (blog will be there by default – no need to list), and I may list it on the main project as well, split it up. I like where the first chapter is going and I’m going to tinker with it some more before I call it quits for tonight. I still haven’t added the other column I mentioned about a timestamp. 

I’ve also been thinking a lot about this writing – finding the most natural fit, the right flow and direction for the story. It’s an art I’m slowly getting it down. Writing wasn’t consecutive, but was earlier than I’ve been doing it in the past. I actually feel good when I sit down and write and accomplish something, instead of lounging around, unfocused and lethargic.

I just have to beat the lethargy, sit down and write and then I start feeling better. I’ve also rediscovered the magic of hand-writing some things – mostly plans. I don’t know. My mind seems to work differently when I sit down and write something out by hand – it comes out a lot closer to what I was originally thinking about, a lot truer to my thoughts. 

I think I’ll use handwriting mostly to plan stuff – it’s easier to take notes in a notebook than it is to write stuff out on a computer. I could also maybe produce a recording of me musing and thinking. I don’t know. There’s lots of ideas for where and what I should go and do next. I still have thirty minutes to tackle for night – I think it will be on Island, I don’t really feel like working on the other project at the moment and I want some time to mull over what’s going to happen next, and make it work with the flow. 

I’ll get this down eventually. For the moment, I have a dog staring at me and wanting up on my bed and the timer’s almost done anyway. Thanks for reading.

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