How is it that I spend a 110 minutes writing and only spit
out around 6-700 words? That’s pretty bad. Granted, a lot of it was spent
editing and re-writing. Yes, I decided to completely re-write the last bit of
chapter and the entirety of Chapter Three – neither one was working the way I
thought it would, so that leaves me back to square one. I’m worried that I’m
falling in the old trap of over-thinking the story, the characters and the
setting, but – it just didn’t feel right to me, this wasn’t the natural way for
it to flow.
Plus, the way I was ‘editing’ the other chapter was
basically to re-write it, one line at a time. Faster just to start from scratch
and it makes me think about new ways to approach it. I think I may have an idea
where it’s going, but I’m not really sure quite yet. I suspect there will be
yet more editing involved, because an idea just hit me for how the chapter
could go – something that might be the right way forward. I will have to play
with the idea.
Procrastination reared its head again – I didn’t want to
start writing and didn’t until the evening rolled around. But I forced myself.
Writing, like anything else, is a discipline. I have to do it, every day, no
exceptions – doesn’t matter if I feel uninspired, doesn’t matter if I don’t
want to. I have to write if this thing is going to actually get finished. And I’m
working hard on getting rid of the focus problem – this will be my main project
and I will produce a complete draft, a story with a beginning middle and end.
I intend for it to be a standalone novel, and that way it
will stay – a good deal of the other projects I have in mind are lengthy epics
spanning multiple books and they’re not anywhere near done at the moment. We
shall see what I work on. Enjoy a shorter than usual entry, I guess.
Thanks for reading.